
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Writing

Kia ora Blogging world,

Yesterday and today I was learning how to write a range of punctuation.It was very fun and enjoyable. The hard thing about writing a range of punctuation is to use comas, ellipsis,  question marks and other punctuation.The hard thing was trying to think what should I kind of punctuation I should use next.Also the easiest thing about my writing was believing in myself that I could do this and finding and searching new words to make my writing better than before and also please give me feedback.Also if it doesn't make sense please live an comment so next when I do this  kind of writing I could remember and do it.Also once again please leave and comment to make it better.Also here is a screencastify me talking about and reading it is quite funny and the link is here.

My Comic strip

Kia ora blogging world,

Today me and my group and another group had to do an activity about a text it was enjoying reading and it was little bit cool because I liked the characters in the text.The mostly part that was hard was thinking what to write next and making an comic strip template but as I was doing it was fun because I was learning how to create a comic strip template.Also please give me feedback so then it could be better next time I do this and it will be an pleasure to give me feedback who ever gives me feedback their awesome humans beings.

Monday, 28 November 2016

My Independent comprehension task

Kia ora blogging World

This is my Independent comprehension task it was about The Fox and the fish.Also today I what I found hard was contradicting to find the phenomenal, consolidated answer  for my task but I still enjoyed my task also it was little bit hard to find the answer but the enjoying part was reading and finding the answer and being resilience. Also please give me feedback so next time I do this I can make it better.

Monday, 21 November 2016

About my awesome learning

Kia ora blogging world and people that started,

Today I was doing an Independent task with my group called keas. It was also fun and enjoying but the hard thing that was reading because there was tricky words that I could even say but I still enjoyed doing my phenomenal, awesome, and amazing work and please give feedback what to do for next what to do.Also some of my friends help and there names were Gargee, Kanishka and also Nathaniel.

Friday, 11 November 2016


Hi blogging world,

Here is an awesome thinglink if you want to see my song please click on this link.It is cool and awesome if you like thank you.Also please give me feed back thank you that will help me a lot.what I found chanllenging is how to link the code in to the search box's.what have found hard during a task and also me and my friend created this his name is called Armaan

link here
enjoy my thinglink.